Social events

Online activities will be offered on Wednesday July 7th in the evening. While filling the registration form you will have the opportunity to register to one of the following activities.



Remote interactive tour of the exhibition «Il était une fois… l’histoire naturelle de l’architecture»

(50 places available, duration 1h30)



A musical team game: you will have to guess the titles of the songs played live by a group of musicians.

(200 places available, duration 1h30)



If have chosen to play board games on the Board Game Arena platform.
In order to facilitate exchanges we have created a Discord JOBIM account:
On Discord:
On this account you can have access to a list of possible games. We can add more on request if you feel like creating a table of your favorite game.
Discord allows voice discussions around a gaming table via voice rooms. It will be possible to create several tables of the same game on request so that it is not the cacophony in the room, you just have to ask. To give us time to do this, please do not hesitate to contact us on the text lounge part of each game.
Do not take an impossible alias on discord: the goal is still to know who you are playing with ...
Some games require the game to be opened by a premium player, can you tell us if you are a player and already premium in discord?
We have planned licenses to allow everyone to play we will assign them to you via discord according to the gaming tables.
Once you've switched to discord, head over to Board Game Arena (BGA) to play!
On Board Game Arena (BGA):
To play with JOBIM players, this is the goal of this evening, you will be invited to join the jobim group created in BGA.
The key word of the evening is to have a good time with kindness and kindness.

(unlimited number of participants)


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