Vidéos > Symposium Where are we in the search for DNA motifs involved in transcriptional regulation?
Symposium Where are we in the search for DNA motifs involved in transcriptional regulation?
François Parcy
Confronting in vitro genomics to real life data reveals properties of floral transcription factors
Morgane Thomas-Chollier
Motif discovery in epigenomics datasets with RSAT peak-motifs
Anthony Mathelier
Combining TF binding profiles with ChIP-seq data to predict high quality direct TF-DNA interaction
Laurent Bréhélin
Identification of long regulatory elements in the genome of Plasmodium falciparum and other eukaryotes
Julien Rozière
Genome-wide de novo detection of preferentially located motifs in 5’- and 3’-proximal regions from Arabidopsis and maize